5 Things to do when it feels like God isn’t listening

We’ve all been there. Poured out our hearts to God, begged Him, and crickets.

Here are five things we can do when we’re in this apparent situation. If you’d like to go deeper, I wrote a bonus chapter for Praying Mom called Overcoming Biblical Obstacles to Prayer that discusses reasons God might not be talking back (but He does hear, friend, always).

Check Your Heart (Psalm 24:3-4).

Is there anything between you and God? A sin unconfessed? Unforgiveness? Keep short accounts. Ask God to show you if there’s something there that needs attention.

Check Your Motives (Matthew 6:10).

“Not yet,” and “No,” are valid answers to prayer. When I get fussy with God for not answering the way I want, or when I want, it’s usually because I’m busy trying to build MY kingdom instead of His.

Check Your Focus (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Are you leaning on your own understanding, or choosing to see the situation through the lens of God’s truth? Sometimes, I have to say, “NO!” out loud when I find myself doing this. The harsh interruption arrests my thoughts and gives me time to refocus on what I know is true.

Ask for a Belief Increase (Mark 9:24).

We’re human, friend. We won’t always possess the amount of faith we need to get through the trials God allows. But we can ask for more. Pause and ask Your good, kind Savior to help your unbelief and make it possible to trust Him through whatever comes.

Keep Praying (Luke 18:1-8).

Somehow, God uses our prayers. The model we’re given in Scripture is to be persistent, believing that God hears, and will act in a way and at a time that is best for HIS entire, big, grand plan. He IS moving on your behalf, but it’s called faith for a reason.

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