Prayer Mentoring Monday: My child is selfish and doesn’t like to share with others.

Serving and sharing does not come naturally, does it? No matter what age we are, putting others first is a choice we have to make. I mean, if there is a plate full of chocolate chip cookies on the table, am I the only one who quickly scans the plate to find the biggest one or the one with the most chocolate chips? Maybe…but I doubt it! Selfishness is a heart condition that we are all born with. Learning to put others before ourselves is a lifelong lesson and will probably always be a battle!

Thoughts for Mom: 

  • As sinners, we tend to be self-centered in every way. It’s important that we communicate with our kids that we are in this battle with the flesh right along with them. We want to be careful not to communicate condemnation or frustration, but that we understand the struggle and are walking alongside them in it. 
  • God doesn’t only tell us to “put others first!” He gives instructions in His Word of what our motives should be behind serving and He tells us why this is important. We are loving our children best when we are continuing to learn and live these concepts out in our own lives, and then teaching them to our children.  
  • All of these character qualities that we so desperately want to see in the lives of our children are actually qualities that God is continuing to perfect in us as adults. It’s important that we be aware of that so that we can show grace to our children as they begin the lifelong journey of learning it for themselves.

How to Pray Through This: 

Verse: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

Prayer: Father, please show me the ways in which I am a poor example to my children in the area of putting others first. Help me to be an authentic example of growing in this area so that they can learn to put others first by my example.

Verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Prayer: Father, I know You are the One who changes us and makes us into new creations. Please do that work in the heart of my children, first by drawing them to Yourself and then by changing their heart into what You desire it to be.

Verse: “You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Deuteronomy 11:19

Prayer:  Father, please help me to be tuned in to your Spirit so that I will see the teachable moments You provide throughout the day. Help me not miss the opportunities in which You have prepared my child’s heart to receive Your truth. Help our discussions about You to be a natural outworking of what You are doing in all of us in our home.

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