A Prayer for Putting Off Your Old Self

Listen to the Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms Podcast every weekday to start your day in God’s Word and prayer for the people you love most.

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Nothing seems to challenge us to conform to the image of God like being a parent. I think the preteen years are the worst. The kids are a hormonal mess. They can’t remember what they’re doing, they bicker non-stop, and if you call them down about the slightest thing, they completely lose it in a shower of accusations.

How on earth do you deal with them though when they’re just unreasonable and so annoying? Listen to today’s episode from Melanie Young.

If you’d like to have today’s episode in written form (plus a downloadable prayer calendar with the entire month’s prayers), join our Patreon. It’s a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!

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Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday. In fact, the podcast has grown to the point that we desperately need to hire part-time help. In the month of May, we’re asking God to provide 100 new supporters. That’s a big ask, but we believe God can do it.

Would you be a part of His provision?

Resources & Links Mentioned to Help You Go Deeper

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About the Author

Melanie Young is the award-winning author, along with her husband, Hal, of Raising Real Men; Love, Honor, and Virtue; and an upcoming book on parenting preteens. They are popular conference speakers, known for their Christ-centered focus and practical, real-life stories. They are the parents of six boys and two girls and they blog at www.RaisingRealMen.com.

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