{Bits of Brooke} 11/8/22

“We live in a reality not limited by what we experience with our five senses” ~Kim Avery.

What you can SEE says there’s no way. God says something different.

What you can TOUCH says things will never change. God says something different.

What you can HEAR screams failure, mess, malfunction. God says something different.

What you can TASTE seems bitter, disappointing. God says something different.

What you can SMELL seems rotten, like something dying that you’ve wanted desperately to give life.


Christian, your reality is what GOD says it is, nothing less. Put on the belt of Truth today and refuse to see it any other way.

I’m doing it with you.

P.S. This #bitsofbooke post is a hint at something that’s coming soon. It’s a taste of a message God has put on my heart and demanded that I live before sharing it with you, while writing it, and then again after it was finished.

Yes, there’s another book coming! I’ll be making an official announcement very soon!

P.S.S. Today (11/9/22) is the last day to get Early Bird pricing for the Enjoy God’s Word Women’s Online Bible Conference! I’m teaching a session entitled Understanding Biblical Peace, and I don’t want you to miss it! Click the image below to learn how you can get the best price!

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