by Brooke McGlothlin | Dec 2, 2021
Don’t worry about how you will keep up with everything God is teaching you about prayer as you read Brooke McGlothlin’s Praying Mom: Making Prayer the First and Best Response to Motherhood. Get this prayer journal that is perfect for taking notes as you go! With...
by Brooke McGlothlin | May 11, 2021 | Read What Matters
If you’ve done everything right and it’s still all wrong… “…if you’re ready for a full pivot from what has been to what can be…this is your book. Crystal’s honest, brave story of redemption, and the God Who brings beauty from ashes, will...
by Brooke McGlothlin | Feb 5, 2020 | Podcast
Have you ever wondered how we piece together each Pray the Word Journal? Or maybe how in the world we choose the verses our prayers are inspired by? There are many hands that go into making each Journal edition a work we believe is inspired by God to be exactly what...
by Brooke McGlothlin | Nov 11, 2024 | Podcast
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY Is your child struggling with being diligent? Maybe in school? Maybe in another area that feels harder for them than their peers? School is hard. Learning is hard. Sports are hard. Some of us struggle more...
by Brooke McGlothlin | Oct 23, 2024 | Podcast
APPLE PODCASTS † SPOTIFY When my boys were really little, I stood with them in front of the ocean and pointed out to the vast, strong, powerful water that filled the horizon to what seemed like its very end. When I had their attention, I said, “See how...