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A Prayer for Clean Hands and Pure Hearts

A Prayer for Clean Hands and Pure Hearts

Listen to the Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms Podcast every weekday to start your day in God's Word and prayer for the people you love most. It seems like such a tall order–clean hands and a pure heart. Knowing we are dust, how can we have clean hands and a...

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A Prayer for Rejoicing

A Prayer for Rejoicing

Listen to the Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms Podcast every weekday to start your day in God's Word and prayer for the people you love most. Certainly, the physical world has many God-given pleasures; gifts to be counted like sunshine on soap bubbles, my...

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A Prayer for Proclaiming Jesus

A Prayer for Proclaiming Jesus

Listen to the Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms Podcast every weekday to start your day in God's Word and prayer for the people you love most. Around the time of my 50th birthday, I began to feel the need to study the word and find out specifically what God...

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A Prayer for Deeper Confidence in God

A Prayer for Deeper Confidence in God

Listen to the Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms Podcast every weekday to start your day in God's Word and prayer for the people you love most. In the movie Miracle on 34th St. the main character convinces herself to believe in Santa. Sitting in her bed, she...

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A Prayer for Broken Friendships

A Prayer for Broken Friendships

Listen to the Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms Podcast every weekday to start your day in God's Word and prayer for the people you love most. When I was in my early 20s, I had a falling out with a friend I loved dearly. Things were said and done that were...

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A Prayer for Walking in Integrity

A Prayer for Walking in Integrity

Listen to the Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms Podcast every weekday to start your day in God's Word and prayer for the people you love most. Our son has always been willing to take the dog outside to do her business, but recently we started noticing that...

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